Google Blogger without widgets? It cannot be! Many bloggers and developers or coders daily comes up with tons of widgets for bloggers but ...
![Wordpress Style Hovering Effect Social Media Widget For Blogger](
Google Blogger without widgets? It cannot be! Many bloggers and developers or coders daily comes up with tons of widgets for bloggers but ...
Different blogging platforms have different tools that help you to manage your blog as you wish, when talking about Google Adsense place...
Here comes an other widget to blogger. This widget is a stylish 3D email subscription form that quickly catches the attention of your reade...
If you want a post or an article to be public then the main thing your blog need is good and attractive social media buttons widget embedd...
Bloggers are always customizing and modifying their templates just to keep the blog up to date with all the available latest widgets. Some...
Social Media widgets plays key role in getting good followers on twitter, fans on facebook and subscribers on RSS or no matter on what s...
Related Post Widget was discussed recently and its importance in SEO, I already wrote about easiest way of adding the related post thumbn...
Every blog owner is hungry for traffic and one should be after all the hard work he or she puts in writing good blog posts. A blogger ge...
Related Post Widget is very important and does have its benefits to bloggers as it is very helpful in increase blogs traffic and page vie...
Blockquotes or quotes are very important in blogging, Whenever you are quoting or highlighting something very important you need them, e...
If you are new to blogger then you may have a question that What is 404 Error Page on blogger? Well the answer is whenever someone comes ...